Valeria's Flower Festival

In Flower Festival 2023 ・ Submitted by Aylabug
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Valeria had spent many, many years isolated from the inner workings of Shengdao, which is ultimately what she prefered. There was something about the constant silence and calmness of the islands, the alluring call of the sea that soothed her during the nights. Very little activity went on in her little corner of the world, and she wouldn't change it for anything in the world.
However, there were rumors of a festival in honor of the Elders, and the sacrifices they made in order to restore peace to the only world they knew. She had heard stories of sweeping meadows and beautifully decorated vistas, of music and shiji all around the world coming together to celebrate. Stories of different cultures of the world clashing to create something incredible and perfect. The Elders would even be present, because who in their right mind would miss their own party?
The Festival was to be held outside of the city of Tianshu, the beaming capitol of Shengdao. It was the epicenter of dragons, shopkeepers and merchants traveling all around the world to be graced with the cobblestone streets of the city. When Valeria had made her first trip to Tianshu, it was horrifically overwhelming for someone who was used to the gentle lapping of the ocean as her ambiance. It would take her several days travel to reach the city, and as Valeria had no bi, she'd need to camp out most nights outside of the city. It didn't bother her, of course, but that meant her bag would be much heavier than she'd like it to be.
After packing, and preparing her home for several days of absence, she set off down the sugar-sand beach towards the city far, far in the distance. The seasons were changing, marking the beginnings of the festival. By this time, Valeria guess that they'd already have begun preparing for the event. It took time to ready the city for such a influx of shiji. Merchants would be eager to set up shop and advertise their wares, bakers and chefs of all types of cuisine would be itching to display their food and newest creations. Her mouth watered just thinking about all of the delicious meals she would have. Some time had passed since she'd last been to Tianshu, but this time she was much more prepared for all of the commotion.
The next few days passed without issue, setting up and breaking down her small campsites as she traveled. Luckily, from where her home was on the beach, there was a popular travel path that merchants took to the city. Paths usually meant safety, as the more dangerous animals typically stayed within the forest boundaries. The seasons were clearly in the midst of their change, the leaves on the trees springing to life, the air breathing life back into the valleys below. The smell of sweet flowers and fresh air filled her nose, and brought a spring to her step. She traveled alone this time, her once mate now gone and nearly forgotten. Her children had since grown old enough to leave home, leaving Valeria to her own devices. She figured going into the city would bring about a nice change to her slow, mundane pace of her current life.
In the distance, she could see the city. A dense gathering of buildings, the distant roar of endless chatter. It was a sound unfamiliar to Valeria, but not unwelcomed. Her first time visiting was much more chaotic, as she had little to expect. This time around, she was prepared for the hustle and bustle of city life. The sound grew louder the closer she got, and her heart began to race. It was a mix of excitement and nervousness, it being her first festival. There was a certain thrill that came with the unknown of it all, and it pushed her forward.
The guards at the gate made her stomach churn, as it was the part she least liked. They questioned her, and while the questions were simple, it made her uneasy all of the same. The guards held a specific demeanor, tall and menacing, a statue towering above many heads of those waiting to enter the city. There was of course a line, the guards doing their duty and screening everyone and everything wishing for entry. Tianshu did its best to combat against thieves and mercenaries, those wanting to do harm against another. The men at the gate inspected all wares and cargo for malicious intent, and heeded to their entry with a slight nod. When it Valeria's turn at the pedestal, she stood meekly within the guard's shadow. He towered over her, thick and muscled, and released a heavy gruff at her approach. She clearly was no threat, but protocols must be met.
"Business?" he asked, crossing his arms and arching and eyebrow. The metal suit he was wearing clunked as he moved, only adding to his brutish stature. Valeria swallowed thickly before answering that she was here for the festival taking place along the outskirts of the city, and wanted to venture around the town to see all of the activities and merchants taking their places. There was a long pause before he nodded, his eyes never leaving hers, and she turned on her heel and walked in.
Valeria was immediately hit with the most intense smells. Delicious meat on skewers only feet away, rotting garbage in the adjacent alley, the smell of smoke from a nearby forge. There was very little in this city you wouldn't find, as there was a very different market for those items. She gripped the straps of her bag and squeezed her way through the crowd, so she may find the booth responsible for the event.
Instead, a beautifully decorated shiji ran up to her, grabbing Valeria's arm and causing her to shriek in shock. The dragon was dressed in the most traditional clothing she had ever seen, the pale colors of her kimono highlighting the pale brown on her fur. Her purple eyes gleamed with excitement, her tail nearly taking out the shiji behind her. "Hello! You look like you're here for the festival, and you're just in time to help us!" She giggled, a pure sound, and dragged Valeria behind the booth. Without even knowing her name, the shiji piled high all sorts of decorations into Valeria's arms, almost toppling her over. She could only laugh as she was directed to an area that clearly needed some uplifting. It was the entrance to the festival itself, located toward the back of the city. The Event was being held at the Twin lakes, which Valeria could see from her place at the edge of the town. From her place, she also noticed that most of the Elders had congregated at the base of one of the bodies of water, talking quietly amongst themselves, or to the shiji waiting on them. They too were also adorned with traditional clothes and jewelry, rays of sun catching on the facets and throwing them across the valley. Their presence was entirely captivating, and Valeria only realized she was staring when a shiji snapped in her face and brought her back to reality. She offered a sheepish smile before setting to work, hanging ribbons and beautiful wreaths made from the petals falling from the blooming cherry trees. The wind picked up the discarded foliage and tossed them through the air, floating like small fairies in between the dragons busy preparing for one of the biggest festivals in Shengdao. Valeria finished up what they were decorating within the city, and set off to the Twin Lakes. When she arrived at her area, other shiji had already begun the process of placing tinsel and petal garlands across the trees, and threading lights between them. Valeria made herself useful, holding up ropes and tape to those who needed it, filling bins with bags for garbage, and placing soft cushioned pillows around several fireplaces for others to sit.
When her arms were finally emptied of decorations, the sun was beginning to set. Lanterns were being lit by shiji in long dresses, humming softly to themselves as they passed. Valeria turned on her heel, ready to go grab her things, when she was interrupted once again by the dragon she had met earlier who thrust materials into her arms. She still had not known her name. She made her way out to the lakes, a long and exhausting walk while carting her personal items as well as the materials she was given to decorate.
"Where are you going? The party is this way!" with another infamous giggle, the shiji gently grabbed Valeria by the forearm and once again, dragged her into the night. The air was crisp and cool, and the lanterns in the distance reflected the water from the lakes. From where they stood, she could see hundreds of dragons of all colors. They talked amongst themselves, the Elders looking down on the festivities with somber looks. For the shiji, this day marked a new dawn. A time of peace and without strife. For the Elders, however, this day marked the loss of their loved ones. It marked the end of calamity and destruction, the Twin Lakes that lay beneath their paws the only memory they have of that time. All around her was the cheering and laughing of nearby groups, drinking and eating and celebrating.
Before the shiji disappeared into her own group, she handed Valeria a delicately folded piece of silk fabric. It was soft and cool to the touch, patterned with cherry blossom petals. The silk itself was a pastel blue, the pink of the flowers contrasting beautifully against its cobalt base. The trim was stitched with gold and silver threads, shimmering and throwing the light from the lanterns onto the grass at her feet. When she slipped it on, it hugged her curved but hung loose around her shoulders, the silk folding over itself and framing her body almost perfectly. It was comfortable to move and dance in, and before she knew it, she was swept away with the crowd dancing as flute and string players began their tunes. She felt light and free, enjoying her time being tossed around in a crowd of joyous creatures.
Out of breath, she forced herself from the never ending stream of dancing shiji and slid down onto the grass, admiring the decorations before her. At the base of one of the lakes from a very large cherry tree, hung tapestries of those lost to the War. The Elders were stationed here, almost with sympathetic on their faces. They were celebrating, of course, but this celebration was once almost the end of them. Images and drawings depicting the War and its victims, candles and offerings scattered below. Valeria had not been around for that time, and briefly wondered what it would have been like to have lived through it. Aside from your average thief and mercenary, peace was entirely restored. Dragons lived in harmony with each other, along with their familiars and companions.

Valeria's Flower Festival
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In Flower Festival 2023 ・ Credit: Aylabug
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Submitted By Aylabug
Submitted: 1 year and 9 months agoLast Updated: 1 year and 9 months ago

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